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Geological Consulting
We offer most geological services either working on our own, running a full project or can just provide the geologist. Whatever you need! We have loose affiliations with a variety of specialists to ensure the job we do for you is at the highest level. Just get in contact for more details
Exploration Geology
We provide SSE services as well as providing Geologists to enhance the knowledge about new areas which could be of potential use. We can also prepare Government reports for clients if needed
Coal Mine Development
At QGESS we are able to provide Resource estimation services and investigate coal quality. We can and have completed Feasibility studies to ensure cost and production effectiveness. We are experts in planning, providing effective data collection programs for our clients
Pit Geology
Providing a day to day geologist to ensure correct area being worked in the pit as well as assessing faults to ensure safe and profitable daily activities. Coal quality determination to enable grade control to optimise resource
Rig Geology
Logging core and managing/supervising a drill rig. Ensuring correct and reliable samples are taken and recorded
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